Inspiring youth to take environmental action

Monday 28 April 2008, 11:47AM

By Trevor Mallard


Inspiring youth to take action against climate change in their communities is the aim of the 2008 Sir Peter Blake Youth Environment Forum which kicks off today, Environment Minister Trevor Mallard said.

This week 44 teenagers from across New Zealand have come together in Wellington for the forum where they will share and discuss issues of environment and sustainability. They will participate in community projects, voice their opinion on environmental issues and learn first hand about environmental management.

The Sir Peter Blake Youth Environment Forum is hosted by the Ministry for the Environment in Partnership with the Sir Peter Blake Trust between 27 April and 1 May. Delegates were nominated by regional councils for their outstanding interest in the environment.

"This forum is a fantastic opportunity for young people to gain a greater awareness of environmental issues and to take future action to improve and protect their own environment. I firmly believe young people can make a real difference to the sustainable development of our country and our world,” said Trevor Mallard.

“The Sir Peter Blake Youth Environment Forum was established to develop and provide an opportunity for youth in our country to be involved in environmental issues, to learn about management and decision-making, and to provide fresh ideas and outlooks to issues.

“Youth can sometimes feel like they are not involved enough in decisions about the environment, and the forum provides a chance to give politicians, business and the general public a youth perspective on environmental issues. Over the years, this forum has seen many young, passionate individuals volunteering their efforts in caring for the environment,” said Trevor Mallard.

While attending the forum, the delegates work with Ministry for the Environment staff on practical projects, focusing on land and water use, household and tourism sustainability. At the end of the forum, they will present their project findings to Associate Environment and Youth Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta, before taking these back to their own schools and communities for action.