Revolution afoot in Bay of Plenty

Monday 28 April 2008, 11:56AM

By Steve Brightwell



There's a quiet revolution sweeping through the Bay of Plenty, winning the hearts and minds of its residents and changing the landscape as it passes.
Throughout the region, literally dozens of people are preaching a new gospel as they revive, rebuild and restore the country to its former glory.
In harbours, estuaries and forests, on farmland, in small corners of suburbia, in fact almost anywhere you care to mention, conservationists are busy making their contributions to a future New Zealand - as it used to be.
And it is these efforts the Bay of Plenty Conservation Board wants to celebrate with its 2008 awards round.
The awards cover a whole range of categories, so even an individual driving a small-scale initiative can be recognised for his or her effort alongside community groups engaged in whole estuary or forest care projects.
While many are well-known and have high public profiles, plenty of others are just quietly getting on with it.
These latter ones in particular are what the Conservation Board wants to hear about and is calling on the public to nominate so they get the recognition they deserve.
So if you know someone who's given their soul to the conservation cause, grab the opportunity to sing their praises by nominating them for a 2008 Bay of Plenty Conservation Award.
Nominations close May 16.
More details about the awards and nomination forms can be found on the Bay of Plenty pages of the website.