Local MP outraged at uncertainties around Patea Clean Up

Thursday 1 May 2008, 6:43PM

By Tariana Turia



Hon Tariana Turia, local MP for Te Tai Hauauru, is outraged that almost three months after the asbestos fire descended on Patea, ratepayers seem to be facing the prospect of over a quarter of million dollars damage for the cost of the fire.

“On Tuesday it was Paritutu, on Wednesday it was PCP, today it’s Patea’s turn” said Mrs Turia.
“In all three cases, New Zealanders, many of whom happen to be Maori, have been dealt the blow of harmful chemical or toxic effects upon their environment, with insufficient or in some cases, negligible recognition from the Government” said Mrs Turia.

“We know there are questions of liability concerning the ownership of the works, and we know at the same time that there have been significant costs incurred by both the Taranaki Regional Council and the South Taranaki District Council in the clean up job that awaits”.

“The community of Patea urgently needs the Government to step in and alleviate ratepayers of such a burden. It is not good enough that this community is still waiting for Environment Minister, Hon Trevor Mallard, to make up his mind” said Mrs Turia.

“On top of that nobody appears willing to put their signature to the projected five million dollar cheque required to clear the site” said Mrs Turia.

“The people of Patea have surely endured enough with the physical and emotional stress brought upon this community in dealing with the impact of the fire and the threat of asbestos contamination”.

“Paritutu waited four decades; the sawmill workers waited two decades – what is the long term prospect for Patea?” asked Mrs Turia.