New Year's event to be revisited

Friday 2 May 2008, 8:18AM

By Nelson City Council



Alternatives to Nelson’s annual CUSP event on New Year’s Eve are being sought following declining attendance in recent years. 

At today’s Community Services Committee meeting, Councillors asked staff to consider alternative options including one event for the entire community, or multiple events to cater for specific age groups.

The Committee’s recommendation included keeping the budget at the level identified in the Long term Council Community Plan, just over $52,000, not including potential sponsorship dollars ($37,000 for the 2007/08 event).

“Nelson is a destination location for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. It’s important that we have events that draw in the community as well as the visitors, and that they are safe for people of all ages,” says Community Services Chair Pete Rainey.

The CUSP -- originally intended as an alcohol-free event for people of all ages, but especially young teens -- was in response to a major public disturbance amongst young people on New Year’s Eve 2000. Afterward, Council committed funding for a new youth event, and the CUSP debuted in 2002 with 6,500 attendees in its first year.

Staff will develop event options and report back to the Committee at its 10 June meeting.