West Coast Currency prompts calls about Stolen Pub

Monday 5 May 2008, 4:28PM

By West Coast Brewing


Recently West Coast Brewery had its flash bar stolen in Auckland
Recently West Coast Brewery had its flash bar stolen in Auckland Credit: West Coast Brewery
Recently West Coast Brewery had its flash bar stolen in Auckland
Recently West Coast Brewery had its flash bar stolen in Auckland Credit: West Coast Brewery


Recently West Coast Brewery had its flash bar stolen in Auckland.

It is contained in a distinctive very large trailer that promotes the Hokitika Wild Foods on one side with a snail perched on top of a beer bottle.

The other side promotes the West Coast Brewery and the rear has signage about Good Bastards.

Paddy Sweeney Westcoast Brewing’s CEO, said that as a result of extensive media coverage he has received several calls and emails.

One of the calls named who the caller was certain was involved in the bars disappearance.

“We offered $1000 in cash and 8 dozen of beer and it’s been the beer that has caused the most interest. Something about Free Beer that seems to appeal to a lot of folk. It’s great currency for getting things done.” Sweeney said.

While optimistic about the recovery of the trailer and bar he has already commissioned a second bar to be built.

“We have the Wellington Food Show next week and then shortly after we are at the Mystery Creek Field days in Hamilton. We are pretty much utilizing the pub all year around and we get events that clash. So we have decided that we really need one in each Island.”

Westcoast Brewing has become recognised for its proactive marketing and recent stoush with Montieths when they sponsored an alternative event to the Hokitika Wild Foods.

When asked if Montieths were involved with the recent thief he responded “No, look we look at them as naïve and tend to concur with the tag with their tag Deceitful Bastards lob on them earlier this year by Damien O’Connor the Minister for Tourism.

As naive as they are, I don’t think they would be stupid enough to be behind this, although many people who have contacted us don’t agree.