Minister will not intervene in Mokihinui hydro scheme proposal

Tuesday 13 May 2008, 4:16PM

By Trevor Mallard



Minister for the Environment Trevor Mallard has decided not to call in Meridian Energy’s proposal to construct a dam on the Mokihinui River on the West Coast of the South Island.

"Having considered the relevant factors of the Resource Management Act 1991, and that Meridian’s hydro scheme proposal is one of national significance, I have decided not intervene," said Trevor Mallard.

Meridian lodged its applications with the Buller District Council and the West Coast Regional Council. The councils have since requested that the Minister call in the applications.

"I am satisfied that the councils have the capacity to hear and decide the applications," Trevor Mallard said.

"While I am aware the West Coast authorities are concerned about the cost of potential appeals to the Environment Court, a council's ability to cover the costs of appeals on its decisions is not a relevant factor for me to consider.

"I am advised that the Ministry of Economic Development and the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority have lodged submissions in support of the proposal to reflect its national significance and the government’s support for renewable energy development."