Adoption of the Grey District Council Dog Control Bylaw 2008

Wednesday 14 May 2008, 2:37PM

By Grey District Council



Notice of Resolution by Way of Special Consultative Procedure.

Adoption of the Grey District Council Dog Control Bylaw 2008

Notice is hereby given that, at a meeting of Council held on 12 May 2008, the following resolution was passed by way of Special Consultative Procedure and will be submitted for confirmation at the ordinary meeting of Council which is to be held on Monday, 14 July 2008 in the Council Chambers, 105 Tainui Street, Greymouth.


That the Grey District Council, in pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it by Section 83 of the Local Government Act 2002 and section 20 of the Dog Control Act 1996 and future amendments, hereby resolved to adopt the following bylaw:

The Grey District Council Dog Control Bylaw 2008
Copies of the Bylaw document have been deposited at the offices and libraries of Council and are open for inspection by the public during normal office and library hours. An electronic copy is available below.

Submissions on the above Policy and Bylaw should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Grey District Council, PO Box 382, Greymouth and shall be received by that office no later than 4pm on 16 June 2008.