90 year old Tauranga woman served a Property Law Act (PLA) notice

Monday 19 May 2008, 9:46PM

By Exposing Unacceptable Financial Activities



A 90 year old Tauranga woman in bed sick tonight sick, when a document server knocked at her door.

Sanderson Weir of Auckland and Melbourne had the notice served. Last week the same server called on the woman’s 68 year old daughter who lives next door.

Tonight the woman’s son answered the door, explained the woman was sick. The server would not give the documents to the woman’s son and insisted on going to the woman’s bedside to deliver the documents.
The woman who has become ill as a result of the stress bought on by the BlueChip disaster said from her sick bed tonight “I am going to die tonight”.

The Minister of Commerce has stated she wants to be informed of PLA notices. An email to the Minister was sent immediately this evening after the notice was delivered.

EUFA wrote to the finance company and the Prime Minister in March (letters attached) in regard to this woman’s situation but her plight has fallen on deaf ears from the Government to the lenders. ( the Money was borrowed through Tasman Mortgages)

Coordinator of EUFA, Suzanne Edmonds said from Auckland tonight “This predatory lending has gone unchallenged. The utter cruelty is inexcusable and given there is a SFO investigation the Government have an obligation to put these finance companies on notice to freeze recovery action.”

There is a crisis facing thousands of people and the Government must act now.

The family are absolutely distraught that their Mother has been treated so disrespectfully with a server attending this dearly loved mother’s bedside. Margaret Rasmussen ( 68 year old daughter) of Tauranga said “We are absolutely desperate, we don’t have the money to pay and have no where to turn. The time it is taking to put these crooks behinds bars is time that is killing us.”

This is comparable with the Muliaga case which ironically is before a Coroners hearing this week. Are the Government going to be an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff in this case too?