Thousands of books need new homes

Tuesday 20 May 2008, 6:25PM

By Nelson City Council



Crowds are expected to flock into Founders Heritage Park over Queens Birthday weekend for the start of the annual Book Fair, which runs from 31 May until 8 June. They’ll be eager to find great books at bargain prices and there are thousands available. 

All year a group of 10 dedicated volunteers spend two days a week sifting and sorting through books preparing them for the big event, including paperbacks, hardbacks, magazines, comics, records, board games, up to 50 categories in all. Volunteer numbers will be boosted by additional helpers during the final preparatory days, and at the Fair itself. The annual event raises much needed funds to upgrade the park and has proved a popular way for the community to support the Nelson City Council facility.

“The success of this fair is all about numbers! There are many thousands of pre-loved books ready to find new homes” says Book Fair volunteer spokesperson David Hay. “We are very encouraged by the quality of the books this year, especially the numbers of virtually new paperbacks. It’s so good to be able to recycle books rather than leave them to languish forgotten on a shelf.”

Founders Heritage Park Facility Manager Maria Anderson is excited to be a part of the 20 year old event. “It’s my first Book Fair and I am looking forward to seeing the crowds enjoying the Park. I’m extremely thankful to our team of volunteers who make this event run so smoothly”.

Founders Book Fair begins Saturday 31 May, Queens Birthday weekend, doors open 10.00am - 4.30pm daily until Sunday 8 June. Entry is $2.