Both Labour And National Wasting Kiwis' Money

Wednesday 21 May 2008, 6:09PM

By Hon Sir Roger Douglas


ACT founder and candidate the Hon Sir Roger Douglas today slammed Labour for effectively promising to increase government expenditure to the tune of more than $4 billion, as highlighted in yesterday’s media reports.

"Meanwhile, National has promised to keep Labour’s increased expenditure – and overspend an extra $1.5 billion on top," Sir Roger said.

"This additional expenditure is largely a waste of money and will add nothing to New Zealand’s growth.
"As ACT said more than two weeks ago, each and every New Zealand worker should receive $50 extra a week in the upcoming Budget.

"Ultimately this would result in two-three times the benefit to the nation than extra government expenditure would deliver – allowing us to afford more of such things as better roading, greater teachers and more life-saving medicines.

"Such a move would benefit New Zealand more than wasteful government expenditure. Wasteful expenditure will adversely impact on New Zealand’s productivity.

"On the other hand, if this money – around $50 a week – were given back to Kiwis, the impact on growth would be considerable," Sir Roger said.