Federation Elects New Board

Thursday 26 June 2008, 10:06AM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand



Federated Farmers of New Zealand has elected a new board at its annual conference in Christchurch today.


The new president is Don Nicolson, a Southland sheep and beef farmer. He has taken over the leadership role following the retirement of Charlie Pedersen.


Frank Brenmuhl is the new vice-president. Frank is a farm consultant and former dairy farmer.


The other board members are Donald Aubrey, Bruce Wills, Lachlan McKenzie, John Hartnell and Philip York.


Donald Aubrey is the chairman of Federated Farmers High Country and has championed the cause of farmers throughout the controversial tenure review process.


Bruce Wills is a sheep and beef farmer from Hawke’s Bay who has also worked in the banking and financial sector.


Lachlan McKenzie is a dairy farmer from Rotorua. He is also the Federated Farmers Dairy chairman.


Cantabrian John Hartnell is the chairman of Federated Farmers Bee Industry Group. He has vast experience in the export of food products including honey and meat.


Philip York is a beef farmer from Clevedon in South Auckland. He is the current president of Auckland Federated Farmers and has been involved in the dairy and horticultural sectors.