Homicide Enquiry update in Nelson

Thursday 3 July 2008, 11:12AM

By New Zealand Police



A 37 year old man has been charged with assault and will appear in the Nelson District Court this morning.

A remand in custody is being sought and further charges are likely.

The mother has been interviewed and spent last evening in the care of Women's Refuge. She will be interviewed again today.

No other siblings reside at the address, or are at risk.

Police called to the address yesterday morning arrived before the ambulance, and 2 officers valiantly tried to resuscitate the young boy, but to no avail and he was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics.

ESR staff and the forensic pathologist will arrive in Nelson this morning, and the Post-Mortem is scheduled for this afternoon.

The house in Stoke remains under guard and the scene examination will commence today.

The family arrived in Nelson from South Auckland late last year and they have no extended family here. Police enquiries today will be centred around other government agencies and NGO's who may have had involvement with the family, both in Nelson and South Auckland.

The child attended a local primary school in Stoke and they have been advised of his death. Police staff will conduct enquiries with the school today.

Any other charges will depend on the outcome of the post-mortem and further police enquiries.