Tamahere inquiry team given a 30 day extension

Tuesday 15 July 2008, 5:33PM

By NZ Fire Service



New Zealand Fire Service Chief Executive, Mike Hall, has granted the Fire Service’s inquiry team a further 30 days to submit its report into the Tamahere Coolstore explosion and fire.

Originally, the inquiry team, headed by Dr Paula Beever, were given 90 days to report back to the Chief Executive. However, given the issues around the Tamahere event and the need for absolute accuracy with the report, Mike Hall is comfortable with the extension.

“This additional month recognises the complexity of the issues the inquiry team are addressing and I do not want timeline pressure to distract them from the task,” Mike Hall said today.

The Inquiry Team will now submit their report to the Chief Executive by 12 August. Mr Hall then has 10 days to consider the report and its implications and recommendations before providing comment back to Dr Beever. A final report is then presented to the New Zealand Fire Service Commission for review. At that stage a decision will be made on when the report is released publicly.