BoyzWeekend Catering to the Growing Extravagance in Male Bonding

Wednesday 16 July 2008, 4:44PM

By Ellis and Co


Sky dive with BoyzWeekend
Sky dive with BoyzWeekend Credit: BoyzWeekend
Quad biking with BoyzWeekend
Quad biking with BoyzWeekend Credit: BoyzWeekend

The Lads are finally learning what the girls have known all along….an indulgent weekend away bonding with good mates is one of the highlights of life!

Homosociality, the term for same-sex social interactions and frequently used in the all male world of knightly life in medieval culture, is changing, both here in New Zealand and around the world.

Las Vegas may be the top boys’ weekend destination in America, but in New Zealand, it’s more likely to be deep sea fishing in the Bay of Islands, ski-ing in Wanaka, racing the luge in Rotorua or golfing at Millbrook. Major sporting events are also high on the list, with groups of blokes heading off to the V8s or All Black games without the missus.

International trends show men are starting to bond over more than just the traditional ‘pint in a pub’ with extravagant, action packed boys-only weekends away becoming increasingly popular.

These well planned and often annual events are likely to include golf and other sporting or adventure activities, a few cold ones, a good meal and a comfortable hotel suite or holiday home.

“There’s definitely a trend towards males bonding over a weekend away”, says Tim Evans, co-founder of, a new website which provides destination, activity and accommodation options catering specifically for men planning a weekend away.

Evans and long-time friend Rob Shirley created the new website earlier this year after struggling to organise a boys’ weekend for a group of mates.

“The time and energy that went into finding out where to go and what to do, then getting everything booked, organised and paid for was extensive. I thought that in this day and age, surely there was an easier way but after hunting around discovered nothing….until now. Bookings made on this site cost no more than you could find yourself, saving you the time and hassle”, said Evans.

Recently, royal Peter Phillips hosted 15 friends for a weekend bachelor party that included a day’s sailing and was followed by a night of drinking games and fun in local pubs. Basketball star Tony Parker shared his bachelor weekend with his fiancée, Eva Longoria, on a luxury yacht in St Tropez. Even in New Zealand, stories are heard of helicopter trips to Kauri Cliffs for golf followed by fine dining, $100-plus bottles of wine and expensive Cuban cigars.

Bachelor parties are one common reason for a boys' weekend, but the stag night of old is becoming just that. Overseas commentary shows men are trading in the one night of booze and strippers for a more action packed weekend of bonding with their mates.

The whole point of a bachelor party began as a last farewell of sorts. Ancient Spartan soldiers reportedly were the first to hold what came to be known as stag parties. The groom would feast with his male friends on the night before the wedding as a way of saying goodbye to his carefree days and pledging his loyalty to his friends.

The bonding part hasn’t changed, but why all of a sudden are bachelors no longer wanting an evening of cliché festivities but instead are indulging in an activity filled weekend away?

Evans thinks this could be due to the fact that men are getting married later in life and thus are more mature, have more disposable income and can do better and bigger things.

“Guys like quality time together just as much as the girls and as they get older and more involved with families and careers, it gets harder to do. This explain’s the growing demand for a whole weekend of adventure, rather than one night of drinking.

“We’re also seeing the competitive nature of men coming into play with each trying to out-do previous events. Now BoyzWeekend allows everyone in the group to choose their favorate activities and vote for them until a common consensus is reached”, he said. provides destination, activity and accommodation details catering for the growing trend for groups of males wanting to have annual weekends away to bond with their mates. Weekends can be planned, booked and paid for online on one site. and are planned for launch in the near future.