Revolutionary Website to Clothe the Downsized

Monday 29 September 2008, 12:28PM

By SizeXchange Limited



This week’s launch of a revolutionary website strives to solve an age-old problem faced by dieters. SizeXchange, based in Hanmer Springs, solves the problem body downsizers face of finding clothing to wear when they are on their way to reaching their goal dress size. The website allows downsizers to purchase clothing that they will only wear for a short time, via a simple points system.

SizeXchange is an online exchange website, where subscribed members can use Xchange Points they have been allocated or earned to grab exchange items – clothing. Once a subscriber loses weight, they can auction their larger sized clothing on the SizeXchange website using our unique reverse auctions for Xchange Points, and use the points to purchase smaller sizes that they will only wear for a short time, as they continue to lose weight.

The website, founded by New Zealand-based Becky Siame and Sandi Corbishley, comprises of auctions, an online community and electronic magazine geared towards helping people along the positive weight loss journey.

``Clothing is a huge problem for downsizers like me,’’ says Ms Siame. ``As I lose weight, I need clothing that I will only wear for a short time, but don’t want to pay a lot of money for them. I found that other downsizers shared this problem, and it was out of this thinking that SizeXchange was developed. It’s a place where you can get clothing and all the motivational, dietary, image and fitness advice you need to lose the weight and keep it off for good!’’

SizeXchange brings traders together for mutual benefit, and unlike auction sites where the items are for sale and the sale prices can be driven higher by bidding, subscribed members of SizeXchange exchange their no longer needed clothing for points, and then use those points to grab clothing in the size they need, when they need it, and only pay for the shipping/postage.

For further information or to check out SizeXchange, come and see us at the Women’s Lifestyle Expo, Christchurch on the 4th & 5th October or simply visit Subscriptions start from just $10.95/month.