Exhibition Reveals our Treasured Relationships

Monday 29 September 2008, 6:07PM

By New Plymouth District Council



A new exhibition at Puke Ariki is putting the spotlight on the treasured relationships in our community.

Ten portraits of young people with a special older person in their lives are on show now in the exhibition space outside the Taonga Maori gallery.

“These are the people who won after writing in 200 words or fewer why their relationship with an older person is so special,” says Manager Community Development Bry Kopu.

“We ran this project to celebrate International Day of the Older Person on 1 October, and to give young people an opportunity to reflect on our connections with the older people in our lives and acknowledge the valuable role they play in our community.

“We received a mixture of some truly beautiful stories and some hilarious tales of how young people view their grandparents and kaumatua. It was quite difficult to select only 10 winners, as there was such an obvious show of love and respect from each entrant.”

Ms Kopu says photographer Mike Scott has succeeded in capturing the special bond that each winner has with their older person. “This exhibition really captures the heart of our community and the importance of whanau and family,” she says.

The Treasured Relationships Exhibition will run until 12 October.

The portraits feature:

Ryan Potroz (with grandfather Ben Potroz).
Ryan Prankerd (with grandfather Trevor O’Byrne).
Courtney Roberts (with grandmother Kath Eggers).
Katherine and Susannah Whaley (with grandparents Bernard and Johanna Lyon).
Moana Phillips (with grandmother Ana Katene).
Ben Smith (with grandfather Ian McKee).
Bayley Ransfield (with grandfather Richard Ransfield).
Hayley Johns (with grandmother Lyn Adlam).
Robert Ropitini and Vince Ropitini (with great-grandmother Patsy Stevens and grandfather Robert Ropitini).
Te Rangi Matoha, Taane-te-aio, Taiora ki Onaero, Ngamotu Rongomai and Tiki Ngarangi (with great-grand uncle Tikituterangi Raumati).

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