KNZB praises pristine Feilding

Wednesday 1 October 2008, 6:21PM

By Manawatu District Council



FEILDING is to be complemented for keeping its town in pristine condition, former Keep New Zealand Beautiful’s Chief Executive, Barry Lucinsky, told guests at a presentation ceremony at the Manawatu District Council on Tuesday.

Mr Lucinsky was presenting Manawatu District Mayor, Ian McKelvie, and the Keep Feilding Beautiful organisation, with Feilding’s 14th national “Best Town” award.

“The only other place that is comparable is Adelaide,” he said, “but I think you can head it off. The centre of your town is magnificent.”

Feilding claimed the title for towns with a population of 8000 to 20,000 from co-finalists, Rangiora and Alexandra/Clyde, at KNZB’s recent annual meeting in Dunedin.

Mr Lucinsky said it was noticeable how clean and rubbish-free Feilding was, but wondered if there was enough wall space at the council building to accommodate another award.

Mr McKelvie praised KFB for the “wonderful” job it did for the town and said the organisation’s work was “hugely important” in inspiring people to keep going.

KFB Chairperson, Del Gibb, was presented with a bouquet of flowers by Mr Lucinsky, and she in turn handed out KNZB Chairman’s Excellence Awards to long-time KFB member, Betty Williamson; Judith Hunt, of Foxton, and MDC Parks and Reserves Manager, Albert James.