NRC to recognise Enviroschools projects

Wednesday 8 October 2008, 2:07PM

By Northland Regional Council



Northland’s 30-plus Enviroschools are being urged to get their applications in this month for the 2008 Enviroschools Awards.

Enviroschools is a whole-school approach to environmental education encouraging student-driven action. It is based on sustainable management of resources in several key areas of school life.

The awards recognise a wide range of environmental initiatives by the schools and will be hosted by the Northland Regional Council (NRC) at a Whangarei venue – yet to be finalised - on Wednesday, 03 December.

At last year’s awards - the second held in Northland - eight local Enviroschools were recognised for a diverse mix of projects, including releasing rare native snails on an island reserve.

Teresa Rudgley, an Environmental Education Officer for the Regional Council, says the award ceremony provides an opportunity to acknowledge the enthusiasm and commitment of participating teachers, students, trustees, parents and support staff.

“Judges will be looking for outstanding environmental projects and those that establish sound environmental cultures in their Enviroschool.”

The NRC played a key role in bringing Enviroschools to the region in 2003 and there are now more than 30 Northland schools in the programme. Nationally, Enviroschools began in 1993 and now includes more than 500 schools.

“Our local schools are very dedicated to environmental education and it’s great to have the opportunity to acknowledge some of them,” Ms Rudgley says.

She says application forms for the Enviroschools awards were sent to participating schools late last month and urges any Enviroschool which has not received one to contact her on (0800) 002 004. Applications must be with the Council by 5pm, Friday, 31 October.

Schools interested in the Enviroschools programme should visit for information.