Don't ruin your Christmas presence

Wednesday 10 December 2008, 7:41AM

By Taupo District Council



Over the next few weeks, Taupo residents and visitors will be getting a blunt reminder that drinking does not mix with driving.


Taupo District Council is running a road safety campaign focusing on preventing crashes which occur as a result of drink driving. Alcohol is deemed to be a major contributing factor to the fatal and serious injury crashes in the Taupo District and December has been identified as the worst month.


Last year, nine people died on Taupo District roads in crashes where alcohol or speed were contributing factors. The campaign is using this fact as a reminder to the public that those people won’t be joining their families for Christmas this year.


With messages like “Don’t ruin your Christmas presence”, “Be home for Christmas” and “Your family needs you” accompanied by family photographs with one family member missing, the campaign is intended to strike a personal note at a time of year when personal gatherings are most important.


Taupo’s Acting Chief Fire Officer John Booth supports the campaign. “Some may think the messages are a bit controversial, but they need to be to make people think of the potential consequences when they misuse the privilege of driving.”


The campaign will run until early January.