Council respond to residents speed concerns

Tuesday 23 December 2008, 8:51AM

By Taupo District Council


Speed cushions under construction in Tamatea Road
Speed cushions under construction in Tamatea Road Credit: Taupo District Council


This week speed cushions are being installed to slow drivers down after ongoing concerns raised by residents regarding speeding vehicles and safety along Tamatea Road.


The main problem area is on the downhill section of road, with the intersection of Gillies Avenue. A trial carried out last year in the same spot involving central islands, signs and markings turned out to be unsuccessful in reducing traffic speeds through the intersection. Council Engineers are hoping the introduction of speed cushions will make drivers aware of their speeds and slow them down.


Speed cushions are devices where cars are required to slow down to move over them, yet larger, wider vehicles such as emergency vehicles or buses can straddle the cushion without slowing. By installing three speed cushions and median islands within a 300m section of Tamatea Road, vehicles will have to slow down through the area, particularly through the intersection. The third set of speed cushions is being installed to avoid vehicle speeds increasing along the straight adjacent to the reserve and playground.


Taupo District Council and Police will be monitoring these new devices over the next few months to measure their impact.