Missing trampers located in Tasman District, 10:30pm 31 Dec 2008

Thursday 1 January 2009, 7:16AM

By New Zealand Police



On the 31st of December 2008 at approximately 9.00pm police were alerted to three young men who had failed to return after a walk into steep limestone country near Punakaiki on the West Coast.
An initial helicopter flight by Coast Wide Helicopters failed to see any sign of the trio due to thick bush.
Search teams including two search dog teams were called into the area and made slow progress due to the steep terrain and thick bush.
Approximately 30 search and rescue volunteers were involved in the search effort and selflessly gave up their time to help.
'It is really humbling to see these people turn up time and again to enter into some very unforgiving country at a time when they should be at home with family'. Again the message is to act more responsibly when heading into the back country and go prepared'.
The trio were located at approximately 7.30pm and on the last helicopter flight of the day. They were winched to safety by the Solid Energy Rescue Helicopter based at Greymouth.
They had climbed high up into a limestone bluff system from which they could not descend. With weather deteriorating they were very lucky not have spent another night out.
When located they were tired and hungry but otherwise unhurt.