NZ artists raise $20,000 in shaving their heads for leukaemia charity

Wednesday 4 February 2009, 6:45PM

By Word of Mouth Media NZ



The NZ Art Guild raised $20,000 shaving heads for the Leukaemia and Blood Foundation of NZ (LBF) last night at the opening night of the Shave an Artist Charity Art Auction in Takapuna, Auckland.


Artists’ heads were shaved bald during the auction included Sofia Minson, Sharlene Schmidt, Helen Sherrock, Marimba Powley, Jennifer Christiansen, Juliet Cryns and Victoria Anderson.


The exhibition runs all month at the Bruce Mason Centre. Sophia Elise, Tony Brown, Sally Blyth, Beate Minderjahn, Nancy Frazer and Tanya Dann were other artists who donated art works which were auctioned off. The North Shore mayor Andrew Williams also shaved bald politician Rodney Hide’s head.


Organiser Sophia Elise from the NZ Art Guild said she was thrilled and overwhelmed with the huge response and support.


``Six NZ Children and adults are diagnosed with blood cancer or disorder every day. Support that the LBF offers those people and families makes a huge difference to those lives. They receive no government funding so we are fundraising next week to ensure they can continue with their invaluable work.’’




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