Fire risk prompts total fire ban

Thursday 5 February 2009, 10:08AM

By Far North District Council



A prohibited fire season has been declared in the Far North as the hot weather continues and fire indices soar to dangerous levels.

"With the number of accidental fires in rural areas increasing and with no respite in sight, we have had no other choice than to impose a total ban on lighting fires in the open," Principal Rural Fire Officer Lance Johnston said today.

The fire ban would take effect from midday on Monday 09 February and would remain in force until further notice.

Special permits would be considered for hangi on application directly to the Principal rural Fire Officer. The only other exceptions to the total fire ban were gas barbeques, purpose-built barbeques or purpose-built incinerators with spark arrestors.

"There is a huge risk of accidental fire at the present time and I would urge people to exercise extreme care at all times. Even a discarded cigarette butt could ignite a fire and under these conditions, it is extremely difficult to contain any fire outbreak.

"Thousands of dollars worth of damage can occur in a very short timeframe. Under existing legislation there are heavy fines which can be imposed for lighting any fire in the open, and as a rural fire authority we have the right to recover all costs associated with extinguishing the fire," he said.

"It's just not worth the risk," Mr Johnston said.

If people were in any doubt they should contact the council or go directly to the Principal Rural Fire Officer.