Taharoa Express Expected to be Declared Seaworthy Within Days

Friday 6 July 2007, 10:48AM

By Mediacom



In a statement from the technical managers of the 145,842 dwt bulk carrier

– the MV Taharoa Express, anchored in Tasman Bay, it was confirmed that the

ship has now been fully righted.

In a final stage - before approval to continue loading was expected from

the NZ authorities – the technical manager, Hachiuma Steamship Co., Ltd., Japan

confirmed that 4 excavators and 4 bobcats were flown to the ship today, by

heavy-lift helicopter, to level the iron sand cargo and prevent any possibility

of further problems; as well as damage to part of the ship’s electrical system

being repaired.

To assist in the work to be done to ensure safety and stability of the

ship, Hachiuma Steamship Co has flown a number of people to New Zealand from

Japan, including Engineers and Electricians who are familiar with the vessel,

to assist the crew and local workers.

This final stage should be completed within a few days depending on weather

conditions. On completion of the cargo levelling, there will be a final ship

survey by the ship’s classification society, NK of Japan and Maritime NZ, upon

which the ship is expected to return to Taharoa to complete loading and resume

normal operations,

The actions taken to correct the original list through re-ballasting and

pumping out excess free water, as well as the use of earthmoving equipment to

level the iron sand cargo, was implemented only after approval from NZ’s

maritime authorities and the ship’s classification society, NK of Japan.