EW award encourages young scientists

Friday 13 March 2009, 1:51PM

By Waikato Regional Council


James Luty (centre) is the latest winner of Environment Waikato�s annual prize in water science.
James Luty (centre) is the latest winner of Environment Waikatos annual prize in water science. Credit: Environment Waikato


James Luty (centre) is the latest winner of Environment Waikato’s annual prize in water science.

The award, introduced in 1989, is given to the most outstanding third year student taking a water science paper at the University of Waikato.

James received his award on Wednesday 11 March at a meeting of the council’s environment committee chaired by Cr Jane Hennebry (left) and attended by Dr David Campbell (right), the chair of the earth and ocean sciences department at the Waikato University.

Cr Hennebry said the award – which comes with book vouchers worth $500 – was a great way of encouraging young scientists in an area that was key to Environment Waikato’s work to protect the regions waterways.

“It’s about supporting the emerging talent that can help us address ongoing water issues in our region,” said Cr Hennebry.

James, who came to the university from Auckland, has recently graduated from a Bachelors of Science and Bachelors of Management co-joint degree. He has a double major in earth sciences and human resource management.

His other interests include New Zealand flora, public speaking, tramping, gardening and reading.