Read and Attend Community Meetings

Friday 27 March 2009, 11:04AM

By Palmerston North City Council



A golden opportunity to be briefed and ask questions about the Draft 10 Year Plan will be provided by the City Council from next week.

Six community meetings will be held from April 1-16 where Ward Councillors supported by Council staff will explain and present the main issues of the Draft Plan.

The Draft 10 Year Plan which includes the Draft Annual Plan for 2009/2010 is open for consultation from March 30 and the meetings occur at the start of the consultation period.

They’ll be informal and take the form of a presentation with questions and comments from the audience.

To assist understanding, a summary of the Draft 10 Year Plan is included in this Sunday’s Tribune so people can read it before attending the meetings.

The summary includes the Council’s Vision for the next 10 years, messages from Mayor Jono Naylor and CEO Paddy Clifford, the major projects proposed for the next 10 years and the City Council’s financial statement. In particular the summary, which includes a submission form, asks for feedback about the proposed new bridge.

The Coordinator for the 10 Year Plan, Tracey Boukhelida, says, while she anticipates that the community will provide worthwhile comment at the meetings, people will still need to make a separate submission to the Council using the submission form contained in Sunday’s summary.

The deadline for submissions is May 1.
The Community Meetings are, as follows;

April 1, Ashburst Village Valley Centre, Cambridge Avenue at 7.30pm
April 2, Senior Common Room, IPC, 57 Aokautere Drive at 7.30pm
April 7, Awapuni Branch Library, College Street at 7pm
April 8, St Alban’s Presbyterian Church, 339 Albert Street at 7pm
April 15, McMillan and Lockwood Lounge, FMG Stadium at 7pm
April 16, St Peter’s College, gym classroom, Holdworth Avenue at 7pm.