Papakura disappointed with Royal Commission recommendations

Saturday 28 March 2009, 6:54AM

By Papakura District Council



Mayor Calum Penrose and Deputy Mayor Peter Goldsmith emerged from today’s briefing on the report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry very disappointed by its recommendations for Auckland’s governance.


“While we recognise the need to streamline some functions at the regional level and improve regional decision-making we expected there would be much more provision for local democracy,” said Clr Goldsmith.


“If the recommendations are implemented by the Government, we believe they will result in a real loss of empowerment to local communities. All major decisions will effectively be made by the new unitary authority,” he said.


Mayor Calum Penrose said the many thousands of Papakura residents who had taken the time to make submissions and turn out for public events during the Royal Commission’s consultation period had been ignored.


“The people of Papakura will not be happy. The commission proposes splitting Papakura between two authorities, one rural and one urban, which means we will lose our identity. The community’s submissions clearly showed this is not what they wanted, and it appears Papakura people will now see their access to the key decision makers much reduced.”


The Council now awaits the Government’s response to the recommendations and is hoping that they will take on the concerns of communities such as Papakura who do not wish to lose local democracy.


Chief Executive Officer Theresa Stratton said Council staff will face a long period of uncertainty while the Government considers its response and the final decisions are implemented.


“It is going to be an unsettling time for staff and the coming period will be very tough on them.”