Mangere: We are so proud of you Helen

Thursday 2 April 2009, 11:48AM

By Su'a William Sio


Mangere MP Su’a William Sio says the diverse communities in his electorate will be united in congratulating the Rt. Hon. Helen Clark for gaining the 3rd most powerful role in the United Nations as Administrator for the UN Development Programme.

“Everyone I’ve spoken to feels so proud of Helen, and we all feel proud that one of our own from New Zealand is taking such a top honour in the United Nations, the sort of job normally reserved for those from bigger, wealthier countries,” says Su’a William Sio.

“For me personally it’s been such an honour to have had the opportunity to serve with her while she was Prime Minister, to observe how she operates, to hear her wise counsel, and to work alongside her as leader of the Labour Party.

“It’s a wonderful story to tell your children to say I was there when history was being made. I sat behind her when Parliament unanimously congratulated her on her new role and gave her a standing ovation,” Su’a William Sio said.

“She’s going to be sorely missed around the markets. Helen always gave her time to people and she treated all of us with dignity. When we started calling her ‘Auntie Helen’ that affection grew more and more, and we all felt she was one of us, our girl. So when she goes to UNDP, she won’t be alone, we’ll all be watching out for her.

"The Pacific communities in Mangere will be particularly proud in knowing that the leaders of the South Pacific Forum rallied to support Helen’s nomination.

"That endorsement reflects the deep respect Pacific communities in New Zealand have for Helen as the former Prime Minister of New Zealand," Su’a William Sio said.

“She is a wonderful role model, not only in her achievements in politics and being the first elected woman Prime Minister, but also in academia, in the close relationship that she has with her family, and now in her role with the United Nations.”