Local Entrepreneur takes up Marathon challenge

Monday 6 April 2009, 6:25AM

By Ryan Kilfoil



Ryan Kilfoil is facing the challenge of a lifetime as he gears up to run the Rotorua Marathon.

Ryan, 26, is usually wearing a suit and tie, walking the streets of Tauranga, but on May 2nd he will be donning his shorts and running 42 kilometres to raise money for Stop the Traffik – an international charitable organisation against people trafficking.

"I've never even run for a bus before," says Ryan. "Now I'm getting up at 6 a.m. to go for a run before work. I’ve even started eating healthier foods and stopped drinking alcohol! I must be mad!"

The hard work will all be worthwhile for Ryan when he succeeds in raising $10,000 for Stop the Traffik. Ryan couldn’t decide which charity to raise funds for, so decided to leave it up to his readers on his blog, the Kiwi Millionaire ( After more than 50,000 votes, Stop the Traffik won with over 92% of all the votes.

Ryan is well known around Tauranga as a Sales Consultant for Telco giant, TelstraClear Ltd and he is really relying on the local community to support him in his marathon challenge.

"My clients and work colleagues have been very generous and I hope other people will sponsor me if they can," said Ryan. "Even a few dollars will make a huge difference and mean Stop the Traffik can continue their invaluable work all around the globe.”

You can sponsor Ryan by visiting his online fundraising page on You can pay instantly by credit card, and the money will go directly to Stop the Traffik.

For further information and photos on Stop the Traffik – please visit