Sharples ensuring Maori-Crown relationship

Friday 17 April 2009, 5:11PM

By Pita Sharples



Maori Affairs Minister Dr Pita Sharples looks forward to further consultation with tangata whenua and Maori groups in Auckland, following the hui at Orakei marae this week.


“I thought it was a very successful hui,” said Dr Sharples. “The meeting house was packed, and key leaders of all the mana whenua were on the paepae, so this was an important occasion.


“Political party representatives came, including Minister te Heuheu from the National Party, and Metiria Turei from the Greens,” he said. “I told the hui that Local Government Minister Rodney Hide was willing to come too, but I advised him it would be better for the iwi to meet together first, before they brought their issues to him.


“My colleague Hone Harawira was present; his electorate includes the North Shore and parts of west Auckland.


“But Labour’s MP for Hauraki-Waikato was noticeably absent, even though her constituents in South Auckland and Hauraki will be affected by this decision.


“Responses will be decided by mana whenua and Maori groups in Auckland. As MP for Tamaki Makaurau, I am pleased to see the unity and strength of Maori opinion.


“Tariana Turia and I are arranging to meet the Minister of Local Government, and Maori groups in Auckland are organising a meeting with the Prime Minister and Mr Hide following their hikoi in Auckland next month.


"As Minister, I will continue work alongside mana whenua and to ensure there is an effective Crown-Maori relationship, in the hope that a satisfactory resolution can be reached," said Dr Sharples.