Pool Making Great Progress

Friday 24 April 2009, 12:03PM

By Kaipara District Council


Dargaville�s 50 metre pool build in progress
Dargavilles 50 metre pool build in progress Credit: KDC


Construction of Dargaville’s new 50 metre swimming pool at Selwyn Park has made excellent progress since Barfoote Construction moved on to the site on Wednesday 1 April 2009.

So far (23 April) the site for the main 50 metre swimming pool has been excavated, with a massive 2,400 cubic meters of soil removed and carted away. The contractors are currently working flat out to install drainage in the excavation, to be used both for the pool’s operation and to facilitate the construction.

Concrete panels which will line the pool sides are currently being built in Whangarei and installation of these is expected to begin in mid May. Excavation of the smaller learners/hydrotherapy pool will begin soon.

“It is a great relief to see work finally under way and that it is going so well,” says Kauri Coast Community Pool Trust chairman Vern Stevens. “Barfoote’s have been working extremely hard to get as much done as possible before the weather breaks.”

Mr Stevens says delays to the start of construction, originally scheduled to begin on9 February 2009, have meant the loss of almost two months of excellent weather and imposed extra costs which have had to be met from the project’s contingency budget but have not altered the overall price.

Plans to open the new pool on Labour Weekend 2009 have been put back until the end of November.