Manukau Water Cracks down on illegal hydrant use

Tuesday 12 May 2009, 5:13PM

By Manukau Water Limited



We estimate more than 1 million litres of water a year is stolen from hydrants in our area. More importantly, illegal use can break hydrants or risks contaminated substances entering the drinking water system..... so we want to make sure hydrants are used only by fire fighters.


Manukau (12 May 2009) – Manukau Water Limited is cracking down on people who are putting peoples’ lives at risk by illegally taking water from fire hydrants.

Fire hydrants are for fire fighters, but some people are illegally using some of the 10,500 fire hydrants in Manukau to meet their own water needs. This illegal use can have serious health and safety implications as it can damage hydrants and therefore mean they are not available for fire fighters. It could also lead to chemicals or other residue flowing from illegal connections into the water system, therefore risking the health of water users.

Illegal hydrant use ranges from people filling their swimming pools, to construction firms taking water to mix concrete.

“Fire hydrants are for fire fighters,” said Manukau Water Limited chef executive Raveen Jaduram. “Any other use is discretionary and in the interests of protecting public health we are strictly enforcing their use,” Mr Jaduram said.

Illegal fire hydrant users could now face a $5000 fine, and Manukau Water Limited wants the public to help enforce this policy.

“If it’s not a fire fighter using a fire hydrant then we would like to hear about it,” Mr Jaduram said. “We’d like people to adopt their nearest fire hydrant, keep an eye on it, and let us know if it is damaged or being illegally used,” Mr Jaduram said.

Keeping fire hydrants for fire fighters will ensure:

• protection of public health
• elimination of backflow into the water supply system
• minimisation of water theft
• minimisation of damage to hydrants
• minimisation of the chance of water being dirtied by illegal tapping of the system

“In a worst case scenario peoples lives are at risk due to the actions of a few,” Mr Jaduram said. “ So if people believe a fire hydrant is being used illegally they should call us in 265 4488,” he said.

On rare occasions, Manukau Water may grant a permit to use hydrants if there are no other viable alternatives. Permits will only be issued to a select number of contractors and the rules around their use are stringent. Manukau Water Limited and its authorised contractors always carry identification and will use approved green standpipes if they access fire hydrants.

About Manukau Water

Manukau Water Limited is responsible for the management of the public water distribution and wastewater collection systems for the people of Manukau. The company serves approximately 338,000 people living in an area covering 552 square kilometres. It manages infrastructure assets worth nearly $1 billion.

Manukau Water Limited does not operate for the purpose of making a profit, but it is required to recover its costs from customers