Van Uden takes second win of the season

Thursday 28 May 2009, 10:44AM



The twenty year old rider followed up his remarkable win at the Tour of Gila criterium last month with a local win this weekend. The race might not have been as high profile but Van Uden's win deserves praise nonetheless, considering he rode the 90km to the start line.

Kiwi Roman Van Uden rode 90km to the start line, got himself into a breakaway and 130kms later was first to cross the line. All training for the upcoming 260km "Philly".

Roman talked to Ben from about his two wins, what's next on the schedule and what the future holds.

This was part of Roman's Land Rover ORBEA team's plan to work on the endurance they will need for their next race. "It's the premier one day race in USA cycling, I only know it as 'Philly', a 260km circuit race in Philidelphia, Pensylvania on June 7th. A race of survival," Roman said.

A long day in the saddle
"The team has been preparing for Philly with some long hours in the saddle including a 90km ride to a local race last Saturday, then completing the 130km race which I won by forming an early break away of 12 riders. It wasn't a very big win, just a typical local race and a bit of pocket money earnt for the boys."

"I initiated an attack which led to 11 other guys rolling away from the field on a steady climb, pretty easy. The first 50km went by pretty quick but as the race went on the legs began to tire."

"I was munching on rice cakes and popping electrolite caps like candy. With the extra miles in the legs, my attacks in the final 20km only softened up my escapees but I couldn't split our group."

"We rolled a steady speed towards the finish, still with 3 minutes in hand and I waited patiently as the final kilometre climbed steadily to the finish line. I easily out sprinted my eight remaining break away companions on the uphill finish and my team mates finished 9th and 10th ahead of a shattered field thanks to the boys in yellow creating a hard day for everyone, especially themselves."

Roman's team includes three other kiwis; Aaron Tuckerman, Logan Hunn and Mike Northey.

"This weekend we have another local road race on Saturday followed by a 40km team time trial on Sunday where Land Rover ORBEA is having an inhouse competition, 4 kiwis vs. 4 yanks!"

Go the Kiwis!

Looking to the future
Ben asked Roman what the next goals are given the form and success he's shown this season.

"With the "tough economic times" we are experiencing there are many riders to fill a limited number of spots on the big US teams. I couldn't have picked a better race to win than the Silver City Criterium at the Tour de Gila," he said.

"All of our important sponsors were attending and the race recieved huge publicity due to Lance's appearance. It will take a few more top results in the next couple of months to find a team for 2010 and be earning a salary."

"At the moment I am really looking forward to racing the Tour of Southland in November. I will be hoping for some good results after crashing out last year."


Read details about Roman's Tour of Gila criterium success at