Council reduces rates increase for 2009/10

Thursday 18 June 2009, 8:46AM

By Manukau City Council



Manukau ratepayers will get the benefit of council savings in interest, with the council yesterday adopting an average 2.8 per cent increase, plus 1 per cent for the Regional Amenities rate, for 2009/10.

The council made the decision as part of finalising the Long Term Council Community Plan (10-year plan). The draft plan proposed a 2009/10 rates increase of 3.8 per cent plus the 1 per cent targeted rate for Regional Amenities.

Mayor Len Brown says he is pleased that the council has been able to achieve a 1 per cent reduction for the 09/10 financial year, compared to what was in the draft plan.

“The council has, throughout the whole planning process, kept in mind ratepayers’ ability to fund the city’s services and amenities.

“Keeping rates as low as possible while still keeping the city financially sustainable and continuing to invest in our public facilities, transport and infrastructure, has been uppermost in our minds as we’ve made our decisions for this plan,” Mr Brown says.

“The savings in short-term interest is an opportunity for us to reduce the burden on ratepayers in this economic climate, while still providing for increased service levels that people have asked for in their submissions to the 10-year plan.”

The average 3.8 per cent rates increase for subsequent years, plus the targeted rate for regional amenities, was also approved.

The decision that the request for funding of the TelstraClear Pacific events centre Stage 2 development be excluded from the 10-year plan was also confirmed.

The final 10-year plan will now go to audit and to the Auckland Transition Agency, before the council formally adopts it on 30 June.