Good on ya Dakta Green

Sunday 21 June 2009, 9:56AM




The ALCP congratulates Dakta Green on a successful by election campaign.
Dakta Green gained 6th place out of 15 candidates. This was equal with the
conservative Kiwi Party and ahead of former MP Judy Turner from United

Dakta Green endured many trials and tribulation during the 42 day campaign,
including being arrested, assulted by Police, being held in the cells and
threatened with being remanded in custody. Dakta Green's treatment caused
ALCP to lay a complaint with the Minister of Police, Judith Collins.

Dakta Green also featured on TV, with One News running a story on his West
Auckland cannabis club, The Daktory. The Daktory received international
media attention earlier in the year after 1500 members joined the club in
its first month of operating.

Despite coming sixth, Dakta Green certainly had the best policy of any of
the candidates. He promised to build the full tunnel connecting Mt Albert
to West Auckland, as well as putting 200 new police on the front lines,
building two new prisons and increasing the budget for prescription drugs
by 20%. All of these initiatives would be easily finaced under ALCP Policy.

The ALCP also used the By Election to launch its Recession Recovery
Package. The package includes plans to replaces fossil fuel with locally
grown Hemp fuel. It also describes how the Government can increase it
revenue by $1 billion per year.

Sadly Dakta Green was excluded from the televised candidate debates. ALCP
has brought the matter to the attention of the Broadcasting Standards
Authority in the hope that minor candidates will have better access to
media publicity in the future. The media has an important role to cover all
sides of the political spectrum, otherwise democracy becomes distorted in
favour of those in power.