Historic Signing Marks New Iwi/Council Relationship

Wednesday 24 June 2009, 5:08PM

By New Plymouth District Council



Today (Wednesday) marks the start of a new relationship between Ngati Mutunga and New Plymouth District Council, with the signing of a memorandum of understanding.

The MOU defines how the iwi and Council will work together on a range of issues, both between the iwi board and Councillors on governance matters, and between iwi staff and Council officers at an operational level.

“This is the second-most significant milestone we’ve achieved in recent Ngati Mutunga history, following our deed of settlement with central Government,” says Te Runanga o Ngati Mutunga Chairperson Jamie Tuuta.

“This memorandum brings greater clarity about the various levels of engagement between us and the Council, and sets out the parameters of how we engage with one another.

“It covers areas such as information sharing, resource consents and planning – things that have a major effect on the cultural landscape and also the day to day lives of people.

“By having this better working relationship, we can work with the Council to develop outcomes that meet the needs of Ngati Mutunga and also those of the community.”

NPDC already has memoranda of understanding with Ngati Te Whiti Hapu Society and Port Taranaki (on joint management of public areas around Ngamotu Beach) and Ngati Tawhirikura hapu (on joint management of Rewa Rewa Reserve). However, tomorrow’s signing will be the first MOU between the Council and an iwi that covers an entire rohe, rather than being site-specific.

“This is a new stage in building meaningful and enduring relationships with tangata whenua, and I’m proud we have a framework that will outlast us and benefit Ngati Mutunga and the wider community for generations to come,” says Mayor Peter Tennent.

“We are required under the Local Government Act to help Maori contribute to our decision-making processes, and this MOU is just one way we’re achieving that.

“By having this formal agreement in place, the Council can work even more closely with Ngati Mutunga on the key recreation areas of Urenui and Onaero, as well as on the wider issues of improving the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Ngati Mutunga and the district as a whole,” says the Mayor.

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