More NZ men ready to diet for fatherhood than Aussie would-be Dads

Tuesday 7 July 2009, 11:46AM

By John Shattock


Would-be Kiwi Dads are more likely than Aussie men to eat well and exercise regularly when their partners are trying conceive, but less likely to quit smoking or take nutritional supplements, a survey shows.
This is revealed in a survey of 25 to 44-year-olds commissioned by Bayer Healthcare for the launch of male pre-conception supplement Menevit®. The research took a nation-wide sample of 1016 with a maximum margin of error of plus or minus 3.14%. It replicates similar research in Australia.
The survey found 95% of New Zealand men are prepared to make a conscious effort to eat a well-balanced diet, compared to 84% of Australians.
And in the exercise area, 89% of New Zealanders would exercise regularly compared to 78% of Australians.
Australian men were more likely to quit or cut down on cigarettes (55%) than New Zealanders (44%).
While 67% of Australian men would take nutritional supplements to help their partners fall pregnant, only 47% of New Zealand men would do so.
Bayer Consumer Care Brand Manager, Daniela Westphal said one in six couples experienced difficulties conceiving, with sperm dysfunction a contributing factor for half.
“Diet and exercise are known to be significant factors,” she said. “Medical research has also found infertility caused by “free radicals” can be combated by antioxidants which help prevent cell and tissue damage and promote sperm health.”
Bayer’s Menevit® supplement is now sold in pharmacies after previously being available only on prescription by IVF specialists.
Menevit® is a once-a-day capsule containing vitamins C and E, lycopene, selenium and zinc together with folic acid and garlic oil, recognised antioxidants which work to neutralise oxidative stress and optimise the chances of couples being able to fall pregnant.
Medical research of couples undergoing IVF treatment has found Menevit® significantly improves pregnancy rates in cases of male factor infertility (38% compared to 16% in a control group). More information about the supplement is available at
Ms Westphal said the survey found most couples (91%) agreed men should take more responsibility to improve their own health before conceiving a child with their partner.
Men were asked, if they and their partners were trying to conceive, whether they would want to do more in the way of pre-conception care in relation to their own health in order to help their partner fall pregnant — 93% said they would.
Only 25% of New Zealand men were prepared to give up watching sport on TV if doing so would help their partner fall pregnant, slightly less than Australians (31%).

Bayer HealthCare New Zealand media contact:

William Malpass
Corporate Communications Manager
Bayer New Zealand Ltd
Ph 09-441 8591, mob 021 935 217.