Arts funding open

Wednesday 15 July 2009, 4:03PM

By Manukau City Council



The Creative Communities New Zealand Manukau City Scheme is inviting applications for funding for local arts projects that will begin after 7 October this year. This is the second round of arts funding for 2009 offered under the scheme, which is a partnership between Creative New Zealand and Manukau City Council.

Whether it is for music and dance, traditional and contemporary art, workshops and community art classes, theatre performances, teaching traditional crafts, painting murals or buying equipment, this funding offers an opportunity to get a helping hand for creative projects.

The priorities for this funding include:
· Projects with a youth focus
· Co-operative projects between two or more groups or individuals
· Projects that take advantage of major events
· Projects targeting training and development for organisations involved in the widest aspects of the arts
· Low priorities include equipment, instruments, uniforms and costumes
- up to 50 per cent of purchase price for a legally constituted group.

The focus is also on people actively experiencing arts, through engaging in activity rather than attending as a viewer. The scheme supports projects where communities are working with artists recognised by their peers and with a track record.

Applications close on Friday, 7 August 2009. Eligible projects cannot start before they have been considered by the Assessment Committee and should take place within 12 months of funding being approved. Decisions will be made available after the assessment committee meet on Wednesday 30 September.

For an application form or more information, please phone 262 8900, extension 8367, or visit our website at


Note to editors: The Creative Communities Scheme is a partnership between Creative New Zealand and local councils, which supports opportunities for New Zealanders to actively participate in the arts. Manukau City Council administers the scheme for arts related projects that benefit the residents of the city. The scheme provides funding for arts projects that encourage participation in the arts at a local level, increase the diversity of arts, and enhance the local arts sector.