One-Day Short Story Competition

Friday 24 July 2009, 3:56PM

By Christchurch City Council



Writers around Christchurch will be digging out their pens and infusing their creativity as they are offered the chance to take part in the One-Day Short Story Competition next week.

Christchurch Art Gallery, Christchurch City Libraries, The Cultural Precinct and the NZ Society of Authors have come together to host the event, which is part of the 150th anniversary of public library service in Christchurch.

On Sunday 2 August, adults and youths are invited to Christchurch Art Gallery to collect their competition packs, containing a list of 12 exciting features in the cultural precinct, competition instructions, a map of the cultural precinct and a blank CD.

To take part, participants will need to follow their maps around the cultural precinct, visiting different highlighted features. They must then write a short story, to a maximum of 1500 words that incorporates at least four of the distinctive features visited. Entries must be submitted on CD, and returned to Christchurch Art Gallery by 4pm the same day.

The competition includes two entry groups, youth aged 13-18 years and adults aged 18 upwards. The winner of the youth category receives $250 and their winning story published in The Press, while the winning adult receives $750, their story in The Press, one night at Classic Villa, dinner for two at the Curator’s House and tickets for the Court Theatre.

The one-day short story competition will be judged by well-known authors Kate De Goldi (winner of the 2009 New Zealand Post Book of the Year Award), Gavin Bishop (renowned children's book author and illustrator, who recently set up the Storylines Gavin Bishop Award) and well-known author Sally Blundell.

The New Zealand Society of Authors first approached Christchurch Art Gallery, to see if they were interested in hosting an event to celebrate their 75th Anniversary this year.

Jenny Harper, Christchurch Art Gallery Director says, “We were delighted when the NZ Society of Authors approached us to help them celebrate their anniversary. Christchurch Art Gallery was already working with the library to organise events for the Christchurch Libraries 150th Anniversary and the One-Day Short Story Competition was a welcome addition to our programme.

"This competition is an excellent way of discovering new talent in New Zealand and strengthening the cultural diversity of Christchurch”.

Janet Luxton, Project Manager of the Cultural Precinct says, “I’m really proud of how all the different organisations within the Cultural Precinct have come together to help make this project such a success. The Cultural Precinct is thrilled to partner with the New Zealand Society of Authors to bring this project together”.

The winners will be announced on Wednesday 19 August at the Philip Carter Family Auditorium, Christchurch Art Gallery, as part of the free Literary Shorts event.
The One-Day Short Story Competition takes place on Sunday 2 August from 9.30am – 4.30pm. For entry requirements, visit