Business is Booming

Friday 27 July 2007, 11:48AM

By Ministry of Economic Development


Sharon & Matt - Hosts
Sharon & Matt - Hosts Credit: Ministry of Economic Development
TVNZ's newst business show
TVNZ's newst business show Credit: Ministry of Economic Development


The Ministry of Economic Development is pleased to support the second series of Business is Booming, which kicks off this Saturday the 28th of July at 8.00am on television one.

The series, which runs for 16 consecutive weeks, is aimed at small to medium enterprises (SME’s) and is an insightful combination of helpful tips, practical information, valuable real life experiences and expert advice about issues and challenges that affect SME’s in New Zealand everyday.

During the series the Ministry, through the Companies Office, will cover such topics as:

How to form a limited liability company and why
Protecting your business name
What is the PPSR and why you should be aware of it
Handling your debtors and options when times are tough
Doing business in Australia – how it just got easier.
Professor Claire Massey of the NZ centre for SME research at Massey University said that the Business is Booming series “…is the most valuable, practical and quality product of its kind, and it will certainly meet the needs that are typical of small businesses faced with the challenges of establishment, sustainability and growth”.

In addition to the Companies Office, the second series of Business is Booming is supported and endorsed by Inland Revenue, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, Meridian Energy, New Zealand Post and The New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants.
For further information about Business is Booming please visit the TVNZ website at keyword: Business is Booming.