Hastings District Council Employs Taskforce Green Recruits

Monday 3 August 2009, 11:33AM

By Hastings District Council



Up to 30 unemployed local people will take up work with the Hastings District Council this week as part of a government programme aimed at helping unemployed people increase their skills and experience.

The Taskforce Green programme, run by Work and Income, provides subsidies for unemployed people to work on special projects which would not otherwise be undertaken.

Hastings Mayor Lawrence Yule says the council’s involvement in the programme was suggested as one of a range of economic stimulus measures included in its Ten Year Plan.

“Times are tough and, as numbers of unemployed rise, the Council is in a position to help. Council is a particularly well-suited organisation for Taskforce Green because of the broad range of activities we carry out.

“The recruits from Taskforce Green have diverse backgrounds, and I’m confident they will leave with diverse new skills to assist them in gaining employment.”

“Many of the people joining HDC today are highly-qualified but cannot find work in the current economic climate. This is a win-win – the community will benefit from their skills, 30 families have a guaranteed income for six months and recruits gains skills while here.”

Taskforce Green workers will be with the Council for six-months working on three projects:

- Environmental enhancement;

- Library / archiving project;

- Youth work experience project, offering young people who have not been employed before the opportunity to gain skills associated with various Council activities.

To arrange an interview with a Taskforce Green recruit please contact Communications Manager Erin Harford.