Papakura residents asked to think before they drink

Tuesday 11 August 2009, 8:49AM

By Papakura District Council



  • Innovative DVD campaign now in Papakura liquor outlets
  • Message: “Think twice before supplying liquor to minors”

A new campaign to discourage under-age drinking and those buying alcohol and supplying it to young people is sending a clear message to customers of liquor “off-licence” shops in Papakura.

The Think-Drink campaign aims to reduce the supply of alcohol to young people, reduce youth drink driving and alcohol related crashes and raise peer and parental awareness of the consequences of combining alcohol and young people.
It uses a television with built-in DVD player to display short videos of three separate scenarios that graphically depict the consequences of mixing alcohol and young people. Each video begins with social situations where alcohol is being consumed - with subsequent dire consequences including hospitalisation, violence and death. The videos use the catchphrase ‘buying alcohol for young people doesn’t buy them a good time’ and feature an image of the grim reaper ‘recruiting now’.

Customers are also invited to fill out feedback forms that can be used to measure the effectiveness of the messages in the videos.

Papakura Road Safety Officer Donna Dick says the campaign has received a positive response from participating liquor outlets. Wherever the campaign has been used, shop management and staff say their customers are likewise responding to the strong messages being communicated.

“This campaign asks customers to think about what they are buying and whether it will cause problems for themselves or others. The campaign speaks primarily to people who are supplying alcohol to minors and asks them to think through the consequences of such actions.”

High numbers of feedback forms are being gathered, showing that the campaign’s messages are understood by customers.
“Hopefully that understanding will help people to change their attitudes and behaviour about young people and alcohol.”

Counties Manukau Police District research shows that more than half of all New Zealand young people aged 12 - 17 years have consumed alcohol, with 21 per cent of those being classified as ‘binge’ drinkers. Most of the young people classified as ‘binge’ drinkers have reported suffering from some form of alcohol related harm in the form of violence or car crashes involving alcohol.
“The timing of this campaign couldn’t be better, given the results of recent enforcement operations in Counties Manukau. Currently, people still aren’t getting the message about alcohol abuse and the harm it can cause. Campaigns like this one are a tool to change that situation and reduce harm.”
Think–Drink is a joint campaign by Papakura District Council, Franklin District Council, and Manukau City Council with the region-wide support of Police, the Alcohol Advisory Council and Accident Compensation Corporation.