Major investment makes Shotover TOP 10 Holiday Park a great venue for groups

Thursday 20 August 2009, 12:45PM

By EveNZ


New investment has made Shotover TOP 10 Holiday Park an ideal venue for groups
New investment has made Shotover TOP 10 Holiday Park an ideal venue for groups Credit: Shotover TOP 10 Holiday Park


Shotover TOP 10 Holiday Park has invested around $1 million across the site over the past four years to provide high quality yet affordable accommodation for groups close to the popular resort town of Queenstown.

The facilities have been developed to provide school, sports and cultural groups with a choice of accommodation options, gardens and landscaped grounds in which to enjoy their stay.

Two main accommodation blocks are now substantially refurbished. The historic lodges were originally built to house construction workers during the Manapouri hydro-electric power project. Moved onto site at the end of the project they remained untouched until Kenneth and Sandra Mitchell took over in August 2005. Renaming them after their favourite native trees, the lodges are now a great asset to the park.

Rata Lodge now has ten ensuite rooms with separate entrances, balconies and breakfast facilities. Six rooms have double beds, two have double bunks and two have one queen bed and four bunks.

Kanuka Lodge is a refitted 11-room bunkhouse with nine bunkrooms and two doubles all running off a central corridor. Bathroom facilities are shared and the lodge is also close to the main communal amenity block with showers, toilets and kitchens.

Kenneth Mitchell said, “Our location is great for groups and we feel we have something really special to offer them. Many groups, especially schools, don’t want to stay in the centre of Queenstown with all its distractions.

“We’re located at Arthur’s Point, above the Shotover River and on the road to Coronet Peak and Arrowtown. The site has all-day sun and heaps of open space which is perfect for team building exercises and games. Of course it never rains in Queenstown but we have great indoor space too, just in case!”

The Mitchells plan further improvements at Shotover TOP 10 Holiday Park over the coming years including dedicated conference and entertainment facilities and brand new units for families and groups.

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