Operation Te Paki

Saturday 22 August 2009, 10:59AM

By New Zealand Police



Stunned and shocked is how Kaitaia Police have described the state of three Chinese tourists who were attacked in the Far North on Friday the 21st of August at around 3.30pm.

Police responded to calls from the trio who reported that they had been robbed at knifepoint by two men whom they had stopped to help on the side of the road. The incident occurred on a stretch of gravel road which runs through Te Paki Reserves and farm land leading to Te Paki Stream and 90 Mile Beach, from State Highway 1F.

Detective Sergeant Trevor Beatson of the Kaitaia Tactical Response Group said that the tourists had been hailed by two Maori men in a maroon coloured station wagon, who claimed they were lost. When they stopped to help, the touring group was set upon by the two men who assaulted them, produced knives and then demanded money and property from the Chinese tourists.

Detective Sergeant Beatson said "it was the worst possible thing that could have happened to them when they went out of their way to help these two men. They had come to New Zealand fully believing it was a safe place to holiday and now their holiday and impressions of our country have been shattered."

Detective Sergeant Beatson said that a team of Detectives had been working on this serious incident through the night, dealing with the scene, looking for forensic evidence and dealing with the victims of this crime. Police were continuing to examine the complainants' vehicle and looking for further evidence to identify the suspects.

The two male Maoris are believed to be in their 20's and are described as tall with strong physical builds. They were driving a maroon or dark red coloured station wagon similar to a Subaru legacy, which had fishing rods sticking out of the side window.

Police are calling on members of the public who either live in the Far North, or who were visiting the Cape Reinga, Te Paki Reserves, Te Paki Stream or northern end of 90 Mile Beach yesterday to report sightings of any vehicles or persons matching this description.

Any information relating to this matter can be passed directly to Detective Sergeant Beatson of the Kaitaia Police on 408 6500 or 027 223 2628.