View of shuttle likely to be hampered by weather

Tuesday 25 August 2009, 12:25PM

By Robert Holdsworth


Shuttle STS-128  is expected to be launched at 5:36 p.m New Zealand time. Launch will be broadcast on

 Among those on board will be Nicole Stott taking up her tour of duty on the International Space Station.  Nicole visited New Zealand in 2008 and recordings of interviews with her from that visit are available at and

If launch occurs on time the Shuttle will pass by Southern New Zealand just over an hour later at around 6:39 p.m and if weather is suitable it should be visible as a bright light in the south for a few minutes before it enters the earth's shadow. However as severe gales and rain are forecast for much of the area where it would be visible, it is unlikely the sky will be clear enough to see anything. 

Care should be taken of course not to attempt observation if the weather conditions are too dangerous to be outside, even if  cloud clears enough for there to be any chance of seeing the shuttle.