Fire danger arrives early

Wednesday 26 August 2009, 2:24PM

By Hastings District Council



Eight fires in the Hastings district over the past three weeks have sparked concern among local fire officials.

Fire restrictions are not normally of concern at this time of the year, but strong winds coupled with fine weather and dry vegetation has proven to be the perfect combination for recent fires which have gotten out of control.

Low rainfall over the past three years has meant that the Hastings district is suffering the effects of a winter drought. Recent showers have brought some relief, but only a small amount of rain has soaked into the soil.

Mike Maguire, Principal Rural Fire Officer at Hastings District Council, said the long term weather forecast indicated that the fire risk may remain in the lead-up to spring, especially once the strong equinox winds start to blow.

“Drier conditions have been forecast to affect the district earlier than usual, which will add to the low water tables experienced during the past several years. Quite simply, we need a lot more rain to reduce the current fire risk,” said Mr Maguire.

“Our advice is not to light large fires at all, but if you have to, seek advice from Emergency Management Officers at the Council before lighting it” said Mr Maguire.

Council Fire Officers and the NZ Fire Service will continue to monitor the situation in the run-up to summer and restrictions for lighting fires are likely to be imposed once the fire danger indices increase.