Guide to Working with Wetlands produced

Saturday 19 September 2009, 1:17PM

By Gisborne District Council



Landowners responsible for areas of wetland can now pick up or download a guide written specifically for this region. It outlines how to develop and restore these environments and identifies what plants will grow well in this region and where they should be planted.

Wetlands are some of New Zealand’s most diverse habitats. They’re home to an amazing range of plants and animals, many of which are not found anywhere else in the world. They are also some of our most rare and at risk ecosystems.

In general terms any land that is permanently or frequently wet and supports a natural ecosystem of plants and animals adapted to wetland living is called a wetland.

Damp land without wetland plants, such as temporary ponds, low-lying land with patches of rushes, or temporary watercourses, are wetlands, that can be good places to restore or convert into a permanent wetland.

Conservation and restoration projects make a big difference. It’s not difficult to create the right conditions for our intriguing wetland wildlife.

Gisborne District Council along with Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, the Department of Conservation and Fish & Game NZ has produced a guide to help landowners create, develop or restore wetlands.

The guide contains useful information regarding wetlands and covers:

  • Landscape values
  • Cultural resources
  • Increasing habitats for wildlife
  • Hunting
  • Problem, wet farm land
  • Stabilising banks, store water and improving downstream water quality
  • Community, school or farm projects.

Working with Wetlands is available free on request at the Gisborne District Council or can be viewed online at