History moves full circle as Richard Wilson picks up cookery award

Thursday 24 September 2009, 9:01AM

By Summit Youth Workers


Winner Richard Wilson (left) and fellow participants Laurence Brundell and Brittany Campbell are joined by threesixty chef Phil Ryan (right)
Winner Richard Wilson (left) and fellow participants Laurence Brundell and Brittany Campbell are joined by threesixty chef Phil Ryan (right) Credit: Ciaran Jack


Budding chef Richard Wilson won the Final Challenge of cookery project Beyond the Basics – in the kitchen, last night, some 32 years after his father Paul learnt the same trade in the same kitchen.


The cookery project was designed by Summit Youth Workers to introduce 12 Queenstown youth to the hospitality industry with a view to kick starting their careers.


The six week project started on August 18 and attracted a team of top chefs and suppliers to provide the teaching where-with-all for the chosen participants.


Overseen by Crowne Plaza and threesixty chef Phil Ryan and with a top prize of a level 3 cookery course at Otago Polytechnic, the event culminated in a cook-off for 80 guests at threesixty restaurant last night (September 22).


After Richard Wilson was named winner of the education prize, it was revealed his father had started his Chef career in the same restaurant kitchen, then known as the Travelodge, 32 years previously.


Summit Youth Worker Bella Higgins said she was delighted with the success of the project and particularly with the opportunities it offered the 12 young people who took part.


“It has been a fantastic experience for each of them. We’ve been blown away by their progress under the watchful eyes of Phil and chefs from the participating restaurants.”


Bella thanked the participants and contributors to the programme and said it would most likely be repeated and possibly expanded for 2010.


“It was amazing to see the community participation and the willingness of people and businesses to give up their time and resources to take part in helping young people find careers.”


Chefs from threesixty, Pier 19, Gibbston Valley restaurant, Winehouse Kitchen restaurant and Hattaway Consultancy worked with the participants while Southern Hospitality, Fresh Connection and Terrace Distributors provided supplies. The major cookery education prize was provided by Otago Polytechnic, Crowne Plaza provided the venue and Aurum wines provided wine and ‘thank you’ awards for the cook-off dinner.


The participants were selected from 35 applications through a process that involved Bella, Summit Youth’s Roanna Pine and Wakatipu High School Principal Lyn Cooper and her faculty.


Richard Wilson expects to take up his education prize at the Polytechnic as soon as he finishes his studies at Wakatipu High School.