Rotorua Mayor saddened by passing of Sir Howard Morrison

Thursday 24 September 2009, 12:53PM

By Rotorua District Council



Rotorua mayor Kevin Winters says that news of the passing of Sir Howard Morrison this morning has come as a huge shock that will be felt deeply by people in Rotorua, many other New Zealanders and people all over the world whose lives he touched during his incredible career.

“I am personally saddened that one of our tallest Totara has fallen.

“It is a huge loss to us here in Rotorua, the place that has always been home to Sir Howard and where he has always been a much loved and respected part of the community.

“Sir Howard was one of our true legends. He straddled so many areas of New Zealand life. He was an active supporter of a number of important community causes, he was an activist for issues he felt strongly about, he was a philanthropist who actively raised raise funds for many projects, and he was a tireless advocate for his heritage and culture,” said Mayor Winters. “He gave so much of himself to others.”

“But most of all he will be remembered as the consummate entertainer who for many decades was always part of life in this country. His irrepressible humour transcended generations and cultures, and his musical achievements were immense.

“He seems to have been with us forever and so it’s really hard to adjust to the thought that he has gone.

“But I’m sure that through his music and his many favoured projects and causes he will remain with us in memory for many years to come. He leaves behind a legacy of contribution to communities in this country that very few in history will emulate.

“While this is a sad time for us all it is also a time to look back and celebrate the life one of those rare people for who the term “great” is absolutely appropriate.

“Over the coming days and weeks we will be doing just that while we think about an appropriate way for Rotorua to formally recognise his substantial contribution to our society.”