Road Still Closed

Tuesday 6 October 2009, 10:24AM

By Hastings District Council



The operation to get State Highway Five open continues this morning and Civil Defence is checking farming communities are safe.

Road Conditions:
State Highway Five remains closed due to heavy snow and abandoned cars still on the road.
It is hoped the remaining 25 cars on the Napier-side of the Mohaka River can be cleared by later today, however there are still around 90 vehicles at Waipunga to be cleared from the Taupo-side.
Until the road is completely clear and weather conditions improve the road will remain closed.
Civil Defence is busing the drivers of remaining vehicles to their cars at the moment.
It has stopped but there is still a lot of snow on the road and the wind-chill has dropped temperatures to close to freezing.

The Rural Community:
More snow on the high country last night is extending problems for farmers.
Any farmers who need assistance, such as medical help, should call Hastings District Council's emergency centre on ph. 871 5000 or emergency services on ph. 111.
Federated Farmers provincial president Kevin Mitchell has also offered to coordinate assistance for farmers in need.
"As well as visiting farms to offer support and assistance, Federated Farmers is helping to clear fences and driveways of fallen trees. We may also be able to provide feed to keep as much condition on stock as possible," Mr Mitchell says.

"While most farmers have a generator, those who don't will struggle to fend off the cold and may need to seek help," he says. MAF says some dairy farmers haven't milked since Sunday morning due to power outages.

Power Outages:
Unison has been working very hard over the last 34 hours to restore power to Hawke's Bay High Country hit by heavy snow.
Last night power was restored along State Highway Five to Mohaka River, however areas that currently have no power are the Pohukura Rd and Waitere, Esk Valley to Te Pohue, Mohaka to Tarawera, Puketitiri Rd to Potter Rd in Patoka.
Unison has all its available services, including helicopters and bulldozers, dedicated to restoring power to those areas as soon as possible.